How to Verify A Bitfinex Account (II)
This is the second part of the steps to get verified on Bitfinex, for the first part please go to
Step 5. Submitting Address and Address Verification
5-1. Input your address details.
Ensure it matches the information on your address proof document.
5-2. Select the document type for the address proof document.
5-3. Upload the address proof document.
5-4. Select the language used in the address proof document.
Note : Based on past experiences, verification may fail if the document is in a non-Latin based language.
Step 6. Fill in Financial Detials
6-1. Submit bank account details.
If you wish to activate the wire transfer function, provide the remittance information. Otherwise, you can choose to skip this step.
6-2. Fill in occupational information: job status, work experience, work location, etc.
6-3. Provide financial details: salary, source of funds, investment experience, etc.
Step 7. Confirm KYC Declaration
Step 8. Submit for Review
8-1. The verification process has been completed and is currently under review.
8-2. A notification regarding the submitted verification will be sent to your registered email. Once Bitfinex completes the review, the results will also be emailed to you.
➤ How long does Bitfinex verification take?
To prepare you for lending on Bitfinex, we have created step-by-step instructions: